The Importance of Branding

When it comes to the actual word 'branding', its origins can be connected to the activity of marking of milk giving animals.

Farmers, animal owners often branded their cows and buffaloes with their signature brands. The milk of animals was always in demand and of course, costly. Though many of us may feel that this kind of branding does not have any connection to the modern-day phenomenon, I definitely have to disagree. Since milk was from a family of very well-cared and well-tended animals, it was recognized to be of very high quality and people were ready to pay more for it.

The same principle of branding is applied today. A set of related products that are manufactured by a company and are sold as a family of products under the marquee or banner of a brand have a certain recognition and a place of respect within that very market.

Branding the product thus, is a means of creation of identification and recognition in the market. It is not just a process of getting a trademark and logo, but it is process of evolving as a well reputed name on the market and field. A very well-known brand that has become the identity of the market itself is the office equipment manufacturer 'Xerox'. Though it is a company's name, the act of photocopying is termed as 'Xeroxing'.

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